3D Quality Control

With this service, the user is relieved from doing a manual check of dimensions after the completion of assembly steps. The quality control service requires an annotated 3D CAD model with measurement details and a 3D point cloud of the real object. The service automatically retrieves the measurement details, which are involved primitives e.g. planar segments, the expected distance between the primitives and allowed tolerances. Therefore, this service realizes the automatic transfer of information embedded in CAD models to qualify the services. As an output, the user receives the results of the measurement and a statement of whether the measurement result is in the predefined tolerance range.
Area of the technology

- Big data and analytics
- Cyber-Physical-Systems
Targeted Industrial Sectors

- Research & Development
- Manufacturing
- Production facilities
- Computer - Software
Technology Readiness level

TRL 4 - technology validated in lab
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