Reliable wireless networks for Industry 4.0
This service provides reliable and robust wireless communications for the support of mobile industrial applications. This service exploits diversity and redundancy to increase the reliability of the wireless communication between a fixed robot (or a controller) and a mobile robot. To this end, the developed solution establishes two wireless links between the two communicating robots (or the controller and the mobile robot). The developed service can be configured to select the link with best communication quality between both robots for each packet transmission (diversity), or to transmit duplicated packets through the different links (redundancy). Both diversity and redundancy help overcome link outages, finally increasing reliability and latency of mobile industrial wireless communications. Redundancy better combats fast channel quality variations and provides better latency performance even under the presence of interference.
Area of the technology

- Industrial Wireless Communications
- Internet of Things
- Cyber-Physical-Systems
- Autonomous Robots
Targeted Industrial Sectors

- Research & Development
- Cooperative robotics
- Manufacturing
- Production facilities
- Industrial automation
- Asset Tracking
Technology Readiness level

TRL 6 - technology demonstrated in relevant environment
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